How Will You Receive an Alert?
Sonoma County has experienced a number of disasters over the past several years including floods, earthquakes, power shutoffs, a pandemic and wildfires. The County’s alert and warning systems have grown to notify residents of an emergency in their area early and accurately. Many alerts require individuals opt-in, below are links to sign-up and information on additional warning systems.
(Click on the video full-screen icon to enlarge)
The County has published additional recommendations for those who have access and functional needs.
Sign Up for Alerts
The County of Sonoma strongly recommends subscribing to the following alert and warning systems:
SoCoAlert – Upon signing up for SoCoAlert, select to receive alerts through landline calls, cell phone text messages or pre-recorded verbal messages and email. The system also works with telephone devices for the deaf.
Learn more about SoCoAlert »
Nixle – Receive email and text messages from local fire and law enforcement agencies that include public safety messages as well as emergency information.
Text your zip code to 888777 to opt-in or sign up online to receive email or text messages with alerts and advisories.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Radio – This alert system is available for purchase at a relatively low cost. When properly programmed, the National Weather Service can remotely turn on these radios and send basic alerts, including for wildfire. The message may be accompanied by a warning tone, depending on the model of radio you purchase.
Sonoma County residents may tune their NOAA radio to:
County of Sonoma Frequency 162.475
Northwest Sonoma County Frequency 162.550
Southwest Sonoma County Frequency 162.475
If you are deaf or have hearing loss these radios have add-on equipment such as strobe lights and bed shakers. An instructional video regarding how to set up this weather radio is provided below:
Learn more about National Weather Radio (NWR) Receivers »
Alerts that Do Not Require Subscriptions
Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) – This federal system works exclusively by sending a text message to your cell phone, much like an Amber Alert. A WEA message is accompanied by a special warning tone. To activate this alert, make sure you cell phone settings are set up to accept these emergency and public safety alerts.
Emergency Alert System (EAS) – The system sends messages to local radio and television stations who may broadcast it. An EAS message is typically accompanied by a special warning tone. Find out what local stations are part of the EAS so you know where to go for the latest information.
Hi-Lo Sirens are modifications to existing law enforcement patrol cars. When activated, this distinctive two-tone siren acts as a warning notice by an officer attempting to alert you of danger.
To learn more, watch the Evacuation Preparation Video »
Alternate Notification Methods
The following require subscription before activation.
Please note: Due to potential delays, please do not rely on the following methods as your primary notification of a local emergency.

County Emergency Updates – Subscribe to the County of Sonoma to receive email updates on new safety information and incidents.

Road Closures Updates – Subscribe to receive emails for closed roads or delays due to emergencies or construction. Information is available in text or map format.