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Sonoma County TK-12 Cases, 2021-2022 School Year

Cases Due to On-Campus Transmission

Category Cases Due to On-Campus Transmission Total Cases
Staff 0
(0.0% of Staff Cases)
(12.7% of Staff)
Students 0
(0.0% of Student Cases)
(10.5% of Students)
Total 0
(0.0% of School Cases)
(10.8% of School Population)

Trends in Number of Students and Staff COVID-19 Cases by Week

Week Start Date Staff Cases Student Cases
5/15/2022 47 272
5/8/2022 78 496
5/1/2022 69 340
4/24/2022 63 293
4/17/2022 36 130

Student Cases per 100,000 population per week in Schools, Overall and by Grade Level

Week Start Date TK-8 Case Rate High School Case Rate Overall Case Rate
5/15/2022 427.1 361.7 383.4
5/8/2022 953.2 574.4 699.6
5/1/2022 564.6 433.9 477.2
4/24/2022 457.1 391.4 413.2
4/17/2022 166.1 187.9 180.7

Vaccination Status of Vaccine Eligible School Cases

Category Fully Vaccinated Partially Vaccinated Unvaccinated
Student Cases 2019 1031 3903
Staff Cases 643 21 291

School Cases by Region

Region Total Cases Percentage of Cases
Central 1,907 53.3%
South 692 19.3%
North 394 11.0%
East 375 10.5%
West 210 5.9%

Residence of School Cases, by Healthy Places Index Quartile

Quartile Total Cases Percentage of Cases
Quartile 1 - Least Healthy 692 30.1%
Quartile 2 572 24.9%
Quartile 3 471 20.5%
Quartile 4 - Most Healthy 565 24.6%

Student Cases by Race/Ethnicity

Race / Ethnicity Total Cases Percentage of Cases Percentage of Population Aged 5-17
American Indian/Alaska Native, non-Hispanic 0 0.0% 0.0%
Asian, non-Hispanic 0 0.0% 0.0%
Black/African American, non-Hispanic 0 0.0% 0.0%
Hispanic/Latino 0 0.0% 0.0%
Multi-racial, non-Hispanic 0 0.0% 0.0%
Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander, non-Hispanic 0 0.0% 0.0%
White, non-Hispanic 0 0.0% 0.0%
Other 0 - -
Unknown 0 - -