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Do I need to wear a face covering when working out in a gym or fitness center? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Do I need to wear a face covering when working out in a gym or fitness center?

Yes. A face covering must be worn while visiting an indoor business, including while exercising.

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What are facial coverings? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

What are facial coverings?

Facial coverings means any fabric or cloth that covers the mouth and nose. The facial covering can be made using household items (including scarves, bandanas, t-shirts, sweatshirts, towels, turtlenecks, or…

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Are there any times when a facial covering is not required to be worn? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Are there any times when a facial covering is not required to be worn?

When obtaining a service involving the nose or face, allowing temporary removal. When eating or drinking provided they are able to keep at least six feet away from persons who…

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Are there any exceptions for who needs to wear a facial covering? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Are there any exceptions for who needs to wear a facial covering?

Children ages 2 yrs and younger Persons with a medical condition, mental health condition, or disability that prevents them from wearing a facial covering.

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Do I need to wear a facial covering when waiting in line outdoors? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Do I need to wear a facial covering when waiting in line outdoors?

Yes. The state requires that you wear a facial covering when waiting in a line.

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When are facial coverings required? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

When are facial coverings required?

Indoors: Facial coverings are required when inside any building that is not your residence. Physical and social distancing should be maintained in addition to the wearing of facial coverings. Outdoors:…

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