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¿Cuáles son las responsabilidades del dueño de la propiedad para proteger la escorrentía de cenizas y escombros? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

¿Cuáles son las responsabilidades del dueño de la propiedad para proteger la escorrentía de cenizas y escombros?

A medida que los propietarios comienzan el proceso de limpieza y reconstrucción después de los incendios, es responsabilidad del propietario controlar la escorrentía de las tormentas. Los propietarios y contratistas…

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¿Cuándo se puede remover mi vehículo destruido? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

¿Cuándo se puede remover mi vehículo destruido?

Si el dueño de una propiedad o su compañía de seguros deben retirar un vehículo quemado de su propiedad, pueden hacerlo después de que se haya completado la limpieza de…

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¿Quién colocó los letreros en mi propiedad destruida / dañada? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

¿Quién colocó los letreros en mi propiedad destruida / dañada?

No Perturbe las Cenizas: El Condado de Sonoma y la Ciudad de Santa Rosa colocaron letreros en cada propiedad destruida o dañada por el incendio para advertir a los propietarios…

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Fire debris from the neighboring destroyed/damaged property landed on my property during the fires. My home is standing and occupiable, but should I still get soil samples done to identify potential contaminants? If contaminants are found, what do I do to remove them and is it safe to occupy my home during the removal process? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Fire debris from the neighboring destroyed/damaged property landed on my property during the fires. My home is standing and occupiable, but should I still get soil samples done to identify potential contaminants? If contaminants are found, what do I do to remove them and is it safe to occupy my home during the removal process?

Residents are encouraged to contact their insurance carrier.  Your insurance may be able to contact your neighbor’s carrier and coordinate needs.

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What should I do if my property was not damaged by the fire, but is located near structures that burned? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

What should I do if my property was not damaged by the fire, but is located near structures that burned?

If your property is near a burned structure but was not damaged, please call your insurance company to follow up on what if any assessment you may need to take.…

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My property fits the criteria for an exemption from the Phase 2 Debris Removal process, how do I request the exemption and what do I do to clean up the burned material? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

My property fits the criteria for an exemption from the Phase 2 Debris Removal process, how do I request the exemption and what do I do to clean up the burned material?

A property owner must seek conditional exemption approval from Sonoma County Environmental Health Services or the City of Santa Rosa (depending on jurisdiction) before any cleanup work on the site…

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My home did not burn, but fencing and/or small outbuildings (shed, chicken coop., etc.) on my property did. Does my property qualify for an exemption from the Phase 1 and Phase 2 debris removal requirements? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

My home did not burn, but fencing and/or small outbuildings (shed, chicken coop., etc.) on my property did. Does my property qualify for an exemption from the Phase 1 and Phase 2 debris removal requirements?

All properties identified in the State’s damage assessment report WILL BE included in Phase 1 Household Hazardous Sweeps. View map to see if your property is included. A property may be…

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If my house is undamaged, but in a burned neighborhood, can I live in my house during the Phase 1 Household Hazardous Waste Sweep? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

If my house is undamaged, but in a burned neighborhood, can I live in my house during the Phase 1 Household Hazardous Waste Sweep?

Generally, yes. For Phase 1, exclusion zones will be set up as a safety precaution, but it is not anticipated that they will impact standing residences.

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What is being done to address hazardous burned trees in the fire-impacted areas? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

What is being done to address hazardous burned trees in the fire-impacted areas?

City/County Hazardous Tree Removal in Public Right of Way in Fire-Impacted Areas Cal-Trans, County of Sonoma, and City of Santa Rosa crews and/or their contractors are assessing fire-damaged trees within…

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What if I have a Septic System and/or Water Well? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

What if I have a Septic System and/or Water Well?

After the Household Hazardous Sweeps (Phase 1) have been conducted, and before debris clean up starts (Phase 2), property owners or the property contractor should clearly and visibly mark the…

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