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September 22, 2020 4:00 PM

What can I do if I rely on powered devices for my health?

The California Foundation for Independent Living Centers supports local Independent Living Centers (ILCs) in providing resources to those who need them most. Engage with your local ILC on potential disaster or emergency resources by visiting disabilitydisasteraccess.org

If you are a Medical Baseline customer who has questions or need to register as a medical baseline, contact PG&E at 1-(800)-743-5000.

Disability Services & Legal Center (DSLC) is able to provide back up batteries that last 48 hours, and other services to assist individuals and seniors with a disability who are on MediCal. For additional information, contact Juan Orantes at (707)-636-3065 or jorantes@mydslc.org and visit mydslc.org.