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August 11, 2020 1:02 PM

What is the difference between SoCoAlert, WEA, EAS and Nixle?

Alert and Warning System Capabilities
WEA EAS SoCo Alert Nixle
Cell Phone X Sign-up needed Sign-up needed
Radio X
Landline Sign-up needed* Sign-up needed
Email Sign-up needed Sign-up needed
SoCoEmergency.org website X
NOAA Weather Radio X X
Social Media County  uses Facebook and Twitter for social media messages

*SoCo Alert will go to landlines without sign-up if the landline is the 911 database.

SoCoAlert only sends critical life and/or property saving alerts. You can receive alerts on your landline or cell phone through text messages, pre-recorded verbal messages and email. The system also works with telephone devices for the deaf. However, you must register your information into the system. Sign up at www.socoalert.com.

Nixle sends email and text messages from local fire and law enforcement agencies that include public safety messages as well as emergency information. Sign up at www.nixle.com.

Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) System works exclusively by sending a text message to your smartphone, much like an Amber Alert, that is accompanied by a special warning tone. Your phone should automatically be set-up to receive these messages. Check your phone’s settings to make sure that the options for emergency and public safety alerts is turned on.