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June 23, 2021 1:21 PM

What portion of my homeowner’s policy will the county collect for debris removal?

What portion of my homeowner’s policy will the county collect for debris removal?

What portion of my homeowner’s policy will the county collect for debris removal? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

It depends how funds designated for debris removal are handled in your policy. You should consult with your insurance carrier to determine these amounts and how and when they are paid (see question #3). Generally, homeowner policies provide debris removal coverage in one of two ways:

  • Specified or Separate Amount: Some policies include debris removal insurance coverage in a separate, specified debris clause. Some policies include debris removal insurance coverage within a coverage, and if the loss exceeds the amount of coverage, an additional benefit (for example 5%) is available. Generally, debris coverage is available in the following categories of insurance: dwelling, accessory dwelling, contents, and vegetation. In any case, the county will only collect up to the amount of debris insurance paid an insured. You will not owe the county any additional money, even if the actual costs to remove the debris exceeds the amount of insurance proceeds received.
  • No Specified Amount: Another type of debris removal insurance coverage does not have a specified amount but includes the costs of debris removal in the total insurance proceeds provided for the primary structure and/or other structure, or personal property. If you have this type of policy, the county will only attempt to collect insurance proceeds for debris removal after you have rebuilt your home. The county will only collect money that remains in your insurance policy for debris removal, if any, after the rebuild is complete or you have purchased a replacement home. If you spend all of your insurance proceeds rebuilding or on the purchase of a replacement home, you will owe nothing for the government-sponsored debris removal program.