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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Impact Planning Report

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Sonoma County Population

Population 495,319
Avg Size Household 2.57
Households 188,317
Median Age 41.1
Median Household Income $81,477
Median Home Value $603,944
Housing Affordability 67
Internet at Home 93%
Sonoma County Cailfornia

Population & Businesses


Daytime Population


Total Businesses


Total Employees


Households Receiving Food Stamps/Snap


Households Below the Poverty Level

At-Risk Population


Households With Disability


Population 65+

no vehicle

Households Without Vehicle

Health Insurance Coverage (ACS)

Coverage 0 – 18 19 – 34 35 – 64 65 & over
No Insurance 3.3% 4.2% 0.1%
VA Health Care 0.1% 0.2% 0.0%
Medicaid 2.8% 3.8% 1.2%
Medicare 0.1% 0.5% 4.1%
Direct Purchase 2.2% 5.3% 0.1%
Employer Insurance 10.7% 23.2% 0.5%
Population 4,244 16,133 21,069 504

No Health Insurance Coverage

Population <19 .8% 4,244
Population Age 19-34 3.3% 16,133
Population Age 35-64 4.2% 21,069
Population Age 65+ 0.1% 504

Senior Population

Gender Female Male
65-69 17,047 4,837
70-74 13,082 1,260
75-79 8,344 6,815
80-84 5,616 4,083
85+ 8,074 4,388

Population by Age

Population <18 21%
Population Age 18 – 64 61.0%
Population Age 65+ 19.0%

Key Indicators: Impact Planning

Population by Language

Language Age 5-17 Age 18-64 Age65+ Total
English Only 49,128 228,265 76,042 353,435
Spanish Only 24,102 64,314 5,302 93,718
Indo-European 1,227 8,365 3,340 12,932
Indo-European & English Well 1,173 7,860 3,004 12,037
Indo-Euro & English Not Well 54 462 315 831
Asian-Pacific Island 1,058 8,994 2,177 12,229
Asian-Pacific Isl & English Well 950 7,579 1,139 9,668
Asn-Pacific Isl & English Not Well 108 1,306 759 2,173
Other Language 246 1,920 278 2,444
Other Language & English Well 246 1,858 237 2,341
Other Lang. & English Not Well 0 54 0 54

School Enrollment (ACS)

Preschool 6,815
Kindergarten 6,724
Grade 1-4 21,744
Grade 5-8 23,326
Grade 9-12 24,631
College 33,315
Graduate/Professor 4,708

Population & Poverty Status (ACS)

Status Total
Population for whom Poverty Status is Determined 494,366
Income to Poverty Ratio <0.50 23,108
Income to Poverty Ratio 0.50-0.99 29,599
Income to Poverty Ratio 1.00-1.24 18,999
Income to Poverty Ratio 1.25-1.49 17,430
Income to Poverty Ratio 1.50-1.84 28,968
Income to Poverty Ratio 1.85-1.99 11,950
Income to Poverty Ratio 2.00+ 364,312

Poverty Levels

Levels Below Above Total
Total all Levels 18,337 171,721 190,058
Married Couple Families 3,531 87,286 90,817
Other Families w/Male Householder 846 9,099 9,945
Other Families w/Female Householder 3,432 16,195 19,627
Nonfamilies w/Male Householder 4,206 25,713 29,919
Nonfamilies w/Female Householder 6,322 33,428 39,750