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Immigrant resources

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Resources are available to assist the immigrant community living in Sonoma County both locally and federally that are not a public charge.

Legal support

Housing and financial support

State and federal resources

Undocumented Californians

Public charge

The federal government has said that using health care services for COVID-19 prevention, testing or treatment alone does not make you a public charge. Medi-Cal care for COVID-19 related testing or treatment does NOT count under the public charge rule because it is the treatment of an emergency medical condition. 

  • NOT all immigrants are subject to a public charge determination.
  • Public benefits accepted by family members are generally NOT considered under the public charge rule
  • The new rule does NOT change eligibility rules for public benefits programs.
  • Only some benefits are considered public benefits for purposes of public charge. 

Please don’t let fear stop you from getting the necessary treatment, as the effects of avoiding health care services may be very serious. This will help keep you, your family, and your community healthy.

Public benefits NOT considered for public charge

  • Medi-Cal benefits received for the treatment of an emergency medical condition.
  • School-based services or benefits.
  • Medi-Cal benefits received by a noncitizen under 21 years of age
  • Medi-Cal benefits received by a woman during pregnancy and during the 60-day period beginning on the last day of the pregnancy.
  • Public health assistance for immunizations with respect to immunizable diseases, and for testing and treatment of symptoms of communicable diseases whether or not such symptoms are caused by a communicable disease; and many more.
As of November 2, 2020 the expanded public charge rule is no longer in effect until the end of COVID-19.

Mexican Consulate in San Francisco


Disaster Guide for Farmworkers »Tips on COVID-19 and disaster preparedness (PDF)

Disaster Readiness Card » (PDF)

COVID-19 Guidance for Immigrant Californians » (PDF)