Red Flag Warnings are issued by the National Weather Service, when a there is a combination of warm temperature, low humidity and strong winds expected. With these factors combined, there is an increased risk of fire danger and potential for ignited fires to spread rapidly.
Alerts, Warnings & Orders
There are no current red flag warning emergency events in Sonoma County, however this page will populate with the latest information in the case of a critical incident.
About Red Flag Warnings
A Red Flag Warning means that there is an increased risk for fire danger due to warm temperatures, very low humidity and stronger winds. The following activities are strongly discouraged when Red Flag Warning has been issued:
- Never mow or trim dry grass during a red flag warning because a power tool could spark on a rock and start a grass fire. It is not recommended even on windy, dry, hot days.
- No wood or charcoal camp fires in forests during periods of high fire danger.
- Thoroughly extinguish all cigarettes and smoking material.
- Don’t pull your vehicle over in grass as it can spark a grass fire. If necessary, pull over on paved roads.
- Use spark arrestors on portable gasoline powered equipment to avoid an accidental fire.
- Properly maintain vehicles to prevent starting fires along roads due to sparks or flammable materials being spit out from the catalytic converter system.
- Ensure trailer chains don’t drag on the ground and spark.
- Shooting of firearms is unsafe during periods of high fire hazards.
- Use extreme caution with welding or blowtorch projects.
- Burning plant cuttings on high fire danger days is unsafe.